I keep getting asked by budding photographers what can they do with their new DSLR. As our conversation meanders I show them some images of what is possible. Then the walk away not believing that that image could be clicked with a their camera (some point and shoots also have full manual and you can do this with those too). So this week I decided to try what all beginning photographers have a kit DSLR and a kit lens.
Here are a few images shot at full manual with nothing but the kit camera and kit lens.
The image below is a 30 sec exposure taken at f 5.6 with ISO 200. This is ridge in Gurgaon. Except for a crop this image has no editing on it. The over exposed bit on the left hand top corner is the Moon!!!
Here are a few images shot at full manual with nothing but the kit camera and kit lens.
The image below is a 30 sec exposure taken at f 5.6 with ISO 200. This is ridge in Gurgaon. Except for a crop this image has no editing on it. The over exposed bit on the left hand top corner is the Moon!!!
The image below was taken while I was walking down the streets of Gurgaon. I found this street with interesting lights. It looks like a forest or village and this image is straight out of the camera with correction only for white balance.

This one is a 10 sec exposure at f 7.1 at ISO 100. There is a sense of a motion in the image. Shooting at night has the tendency of cleaning up the city. The lights in the background from building with some forest bit and a street with car's going back and forth.

This last one is bit of a contrast.The blue colours of the Pulllman Hotel contrast with the yellow light being cast by the street lamp. It looked interesting the framing bit. I simply put my camera on a stack of marbles and took this image.

For all the images I have not used a tripod or remote cable release, so like I always say, if you know the limitations of your camera you can take great images with it by working around the limitation. As the saying goes the best camera is the one you have with you. Happy shooting.